WordPress Autoblogging: OpenAI GPT-4 vs Google Gemini Pro vs Anthropic Claude

WordPress Autoblogging: OpenAI GPT-4 vs Google Gemini Pro vs Anthropic Claude

As most of the autoblogging systems mainly rely on OpenAI GPT for content generation, CyberSEO Pro plugin for WordPress emerges as a unique player. It broadens the horizon for its users by presenting a set of alternative tools. These innovative options serve to enhance and diversify the toolkit already familiar to many through platforms such as Article Forge and OpenAI GPT.

These are two relatively new AI models: Gemini Pro by Google, known as Bard, and Claude by Anthropic. CyberSEO Pro users can access these models via the shortcodes [gemini] and [claude], respectively. Additionally, these models are supported by the robust [gpt_article] shortcode, which enables the automatic generation of extensive articles composed of user-specified, contextually linked text sections.

Below is a table displaying the key aggregate characteristics of all AI models available to the [gpt_article] shortcode,shortcode at the time of this article:

Engine Used model Max section Size Max article size
openai-gpt4-turbo OpenAI GPT-4 Turbo 4K 128K
anthropic-claude Claude 2.1 4K 200K
google_gemini-pro Gemini Pro 2K 30K

To select a desired model in the [gpt_article] shortcode, a special “engine” argument is used, containing the name of the model. For instance:

[gpt_article engine="openai-gpt4-turbo" topic="%post_title%"]
[gpt_article engine="anthropic-claude" topic="%post_title%"]
[gpt_article engine="google-gemini-pro" topic="%post_title%"]

In the current version of CyberSEO Pro, the OpenAI GPT-4 Turbo model is set as the default, hence the engine=”openai-gpt4-turbo” parameter may be omitted.

While the core characteristics of all three models are similar, and their technical capabilities in terms of maximum text length vary, they all meet the requirements for producing voluminous, high-quality magazine-format articles. All models are capable of generating text with HTML markup and excel in producing engaging, informative content.

Nonetheless, relying solely on technical specifications from the official websites of these models isn’t meaningful without comparative tests conducted under real-life conditions.

In the video below, we conducted an experiment where two articles on identical topics were generated using OpenAI GPT-4 Turbo, Anthropic Claude, and Google Gemini Pro. The first part of the video demonstrates the content generation process using the [gpt_article] shortcode for each of the tested models. The second part offers a direct visual comparison of the outcomes of their performances.

Here is the shortcode used in our tests:

[gpt_article topic="%post_title%" sections="5" directives="Write a comprehensive and engaging text. Enrich the text with practical information, intriguing facts, and real-world examples to highlight important aspects. Conclude with a thought-provoking summary that leaves the reader well-informed about the subject's significance and its implications for current and future trends. Ensure the article is well-researched, factually accurate, and aligns with the latest developments and insights in the field. Format the text for embedding in a WordPress post, using only <p>, <em>, <strong>, <ul>, <li> and <blockquote> tags. Exclude any other HTML tags." structure="Begin with a captivating introduction that draws the reader in, then delve into the subject with in-depth sections. Maintain a lively and accessible tone to make the content relatable and appealing to a wide audience."]

P.S. Of course, it’s worth reminding that to use any of the three AI models discussed in our test, you will need the corresponding API key.

Creating coherent book-length articles with GPT-4 Turbo

Source: https://www.cyberseo.net/blog/wordpress-autoblogging-openai-gpt-4-vs-google-gemini-pro-vs-anthropic-claude/