Tag: ChatGPT

GPT prompt engineering with CyberSEO Pro and OpenAI – CyberSEO Pro

When working with GPT, the key to getting accurate results lies in the correct creation of your prompts (the very prompts you use in the CyberSEO Pro and RSS Retriever post title and post content assignments). It often seems that the plugin doesn’t work as expected – it doesn’t fetch the full article, loses the original formatting or simply generates...

Using AI for product promotion: A detailed guide to the CyberSEO Pro plugin – CyberSEO Pro

[embedded content] In the rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape, affiliates often struggle with the challenge of crafting compelling descriptions and advertisements for products they promote. Most marketplaces provide affiliates with XML or CVS files, featuring lists of product names, images, prices, and referral links. However, the product descriptions are often absent, creating a significant gap. Filling this gap manually is time-consuming...

The OpenAI GPT Content Spinner in CyberSEO Pro – CyberSEO Pro

[embedded content] Disclaimer: Please use the content spinning feature described below responsibly and not for plagiarizing others’ content. Its primary purpose is for online marketing, such as rewriting advertising messages and product descriptions from various affiliate marketing platforms like Amazon, Walmart, and AliExpress. Furthermore, it can be employed for making unique advertising articles provided by different affiliate programs to promote...

Use the power of OpenAI GPT-3 and DALL·E 2 with CyberSEO Pro

CyberSEO Pro has been integrated with the cutting-edge OpenAI GPT-3 (you may be familiar with it by ChatGPT) and DALL·E 2 technologies from OpenAI to give you the ability to generate completely new articles and unique images based on just a title or a short description,according to your assignment, written in a regular human language. OpenAI’s GPT-3 (short for “Generative...