Tag: AI Autoblogger

OpenAI GPT-4o for autoblogging

The powerful capabilities of OpenAI’s latest language model, GPT-4o*, are now fully integrated into the CyberSEO Pro, RSS Retriever and AI Autoblogger plugins for WordPress. Key differences in the GPT-4o language model API that will be of interest to the plugin users include twice the performance, five times the rate limit, and a cost that is half that of the...

Why humanizing AI content doesn’t work

Various online services offer what they call “humanization” of content generated by language AI models, promising that if you select the option to “write like a 7-year-old child,” your text will not be recognized by GPT detectors. Yes, you can specify such a preference in your prompt, but this will not only significantly degrade the quality of your content, turning...

Introducing AI Autoblogger

 While the CyberSEO Pro plugin acts as a Swiss army knife, combining content syndication features and AI-powered article generation, it has a relatively complex, multi-functional interface and requires knowledge of shortcodes. This complexity can make it a challenging tool for those who are not professional webmasters. Introducing AI Autoblogger – a specialized plugin designed for users who need an...