One of the amazing things about make money blogging is, you can monetize your blog in many ways.When I started blogging, Adsense was the only known monetization way to me. But it wasn’t easy to get approved by Adsense with a new blog. At that time, I stared looking for Adsense alternatives. I tried lots of advertisement programs. After trying several...
A .htaccess (hypertext access) file is a configuration file for Web Servers running the Apache software. This file generally controls the directory it is placed and other directories inside the parent directory.There are lots of functionality you can add or control using .htaccess file. Some basic features are : Setup a 301 Redirect Password Protect a Directory Rewriting URLs Cache Control In most cases, .htaccess...
I’ve already shared a complete guide on setting up FeedBurner for WordPress blog. It’s an awesome tool to send latest blog updates to the readers via RSS feeds or Emails. It has been working great for me. Few days back, One of my readers emailed me that FeedBurner sent him the same blog updates again and again. Then I checked...
When it comes to buying web hosting package, we always want to get the best service with cheap price. Web hosting is very competitive business, that’s why most of the web hosting companies try to keep their price as low as possible. Besides they also offer coupon codes to affiliate marketers to increase their sale. By using those web hosting...
One of the best ways to connect your readers is through social networking sites. But you’ve to make sure that your readers can follow your social profiles easily. If you aren’t doing so, you are missing some social followers as well as some readers. When a visitor comes to your blog for first time, S/he doesn’t have any idea about...
SiteGround is going to end this year with a big discount. During this holiday season, it offers 70% Discount on total purchase. If you miss the Black Friday & Cyber Monday deals, this is your last chance to get huge discount. So don’t miss SiteGround Christmas Deal.Get SiteGround Christmas Deal This offer is valid from December 18, 2013 to end...
Generally, your readers can find your recent posts on Homepage. But search engine visitors land on any page of your blog and they don’t really see the recent posts immediately.So, it would be easier for them to find the recent posts if you place a widget in your sidebar. Plus this can help you to keep them longer in your...
Having a fast website is important for both visitors and Search Engines. If your site takes too much time to load, you’ll definitely lose some potential visitors. They won’t come back again.Increasing page speed can dramatically reduce bounce rate off your site and increase the conversion rate. Plus it is also an important factor in Google Search Engine Rankings. Google always...
FTP means File Transfer Protocol. Using an FTP is the easiest way to transfer files from a computer to a network. You can upload files from your computer to your web hosting server via FTP. You can also download/delete/edit any file on your server via FTP. In this post, I will show you how to use FTP client to upload files...